Welcome to the Alabama Ghostbusters!
Founded in 2008, the ALGB’s primary goal centers around fostering the continual growth of the “Ghostbusters” fan community in our state. Backed by a growing and open costuming presence, our group plans and executes promotional, charity-driven, and social events for our communities.
In Memoriam:
Chuck Elam
We are absolutely heartbroken to say “farewell” to our beloved Chuck Elam. He was part of our group for almost our entire existence and was at countless events. If you’ve interacted with us out in public, there’s a great chance you met him.
Chuck embodied kindness. A true gentleman, he was always soft-spoken and forever hilarious. He never had a bad word to say about anyone. He didn’t have time to because he was so busy making us all laugh with his one-liners and dad jokes. He loved Ghostbusters, Spider-Man, Star Wars, and fandoms of all kind. He was a fan’s fan.
Chuck loved animals, especially cats. In fact, if you’d like to help us honor his memory, you can make a donation in his name to the Greater Birmingham Humane Society: https://gbhs.harnessgiving.org/donate/
We won’t be the same without Chuck. No one that knew him will. We are forever grateful and thankful that he was a part of our lives for so long. Rest well, our brother. We will always love and miss you.