Our motto is “Geeks for Good.” Our team has put in countless hours to spread the love of “Ghostbusters” to thousands of people and to bring awareness to charitable causes all around Alabama.
Some of the charities we support include Smile-A-Mile and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society through Walk MS.
Meet the Alabama Ghostbusters!

Brandon Balentine

Bo Bearden

Caitlin Burton

Charles Childress

Kevin Gardner

Angeleighna Graves

Monica Haddock

Wade Haddock

Judson Hudson

Brian Maddox

Michael Mostellar

Jason and Leigh Ann Mott

Zak, Orion, and Alex Newborn

Jessica and Brock Parker

Barry Perkins

Bryan Rogers

Roberto and Martha Suarez

Ronnie Taylor

Doug Vincent

Michael Whitten – ALGB Founder

Ada and Houston Wilson
Want to Join Us?
One of our requirements to be in the Alabama Ghostbusters is to meet us at events so we can get to know potential members more personally.
Understanding that and to start your process of becoming an official member, we’ve created the Alabama Ghostbusters HQ, an online community for those of you who are interested in joining the ALGB, simply want to interact with us, learn about how to make the props, talk everything else “Ghostbusters,” or suggest events for us. It all depends how deep into the containment unit you want to dive.
If you’re interested in becoming a member, pay close attention to the first rule of the ALGB HQ, which will help you to join our ranks:
The ALGB is a close-knit family of friends and have been for years. We do welcome new official members, but there are criteria. First, meet us in person. You must have an awesome attitude, a love of “Ghostbusters” and charity, and a willingness to do a couple of events per year. No gear or suit is required. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: You must have positive interactions here in the group and at events. Once we see you’re a good fit personality-wise, we’ll invite you to become an official member.
The ALGB HQ is open and welcoming to everyone, but please be mindful of the additional rules we’ve incorporated. You’ll see them upon requesting access to the FB group.
Our official and verified ALGB members will be denoted with the “Group Expert” tag in the posts, so that’s how you’ll be able to tell who we are.
Come one, come all! Get to know us better so we can get to know you, too! Keep bustin’!